After you can only guess how many attempts at this photo shoot these were the best two pictures I could take...
Puppies at this age are so cute and fun to play with! They are small enough to where they cannot crawl out of the whelping box and big enough to walk around in the box with there tails up in the air wide eyed and ready to play. Good thing they don't have teeth yet but they are not to far away now. They enjoy playful wrestling with each other and the time they get with me holding them, scratching them and loving on each one of them. It's really neat to hear them start using there voices as they are still in the beginning stages of barking and growling. I feel this is the most important time to be with them as they get distracted later with play. They are all very affectionate and in my opinion at this state very nice looking conformationaly as well!
I have had plenty of interest in this litter and feel I will be able to make the perfect placements when the time comes.. GREAT JOB HALEY AND DINO!