Strait from Ella, Henri's owner....

Hi Friends and Family,
It's hard to believe...but has been 8 months since Henri was diagnosed with vaccine-induced immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. The journey has been difficult and long...but Henri has proven that miracles can and do happen.
You may remember that Henri was placed on an immunosuppressant cocktail of cyclosporine, prednisone, and AZT to attempt to stop his immune system from destroying his red blood cells. Very slowly over the past several months, we have been weaning him off of these drugs. His hematocrit has stayed steady through each medication reduction. Hurray! Currently, he is only taking a small dose of AZT. The plan is to stop the AZT in January, then he will be medication-free.
Recently, Henri surprised us with deciding to finish teething. When he became ill, he was in the middle of teething. He had all his adult front teeth and had just cut his molars. About a week ago, he decided it was time to finish the job and is now cutting his premolars. The medications likely held up the process and while vets thought he may not get these teeth at all---he is Henri had, also, lost over half of his hair with the illness and is now growing a lovely, thick, coarse Westie coat. We send lots of thanks to Sandy Davis for sticking with us through this long journey and helping make Henri into the handsome young boy, he was meant to be.
Since I last wrote, Henri celebrated his 1st birthday. Attached is a photo of him tasting his first pupcake. Also, a photo of Henri and Bella on squirrel patrol. They perch together at the end of the sofia, facing the window, hoping for action. Henri has been very busy making up for lost time, for all the puppy things he missed. He has chewed up all our tupperware lids, so now, we have bottoms with no tops. He has learned that not all things vertical are appropriate to pee on. He has, also, learned that when his favorite stuffed animal is missing (his big white bunny), it is likely in the wash machine---which he comes to tell me with lots of incessant barking. Additionally, he has learned if his sister has a chewy and he barks out the window, she will drop it to come see what is happening--smart little boy.
We want to take a moment to extend our gratitude for all the support Henri has received. A special thanks goes to Henri's Godmommy, Jeannette Melchior. Henri, himself, sends endless terrier kisses to his sponsor, Michele, for giving him the life he loves--his life with his family.
Ella, Jeff, Bella, and Henri