I was invited to judge an AKC sanctioned B match in Yakima Washington again for 2011 which is now the 4th match I have officially judged, slowly but surely on my way to attempt to acquire my AKC judging licence sometime in the future. The match was alot of fun as I was assigned to see the Toy group, Terrier group, Non Sporting group and Jr. Handlers as well, at the end of the morning judging Best In Match.
All the dogs were very nice and well presented by there respective handlers making it pretty difficult to pick the winner at the end of the day. The winner at the end of the day was an Afghan Hound that moved very well with the limited amount of space we had to work with. We had a nice snack at the end of the match and then it was time to leave for home...
Thank You Yakima Valley Kennel Club!