This was taken during Scott's visit. How lucky can you get to hold 3 Westie puppies at once!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Moore Family Christmas.
Hi Chris,
Phil and I thought you would enjoy these pictures. Teddy and Tug continue to be the most wonderful dogs. And they have stolen the hearts of everyone in our neighborhood. I just finished Agility training with Teddy. Phil always laughs and says you named her right as a puppy – Speedy! She loves going to big field by our house with Phil and Tug and running at top speed after her ball. Tug is the glue in the family and happiest when we’re all together. His favorite spot is between Phil’s feet under the dinner tableJ.
Wishing you the very best this holiday season and throughout the new year!
Michelle Hurteau
Friday, December 20, 2013
First baths and Presto!
Now they may not be completely dry but as wet puppies from top to bottom you see Black Bart, Pink boy and Puppy boy. At the bottom from left to right are Puppy, Pink and Black Bart all clean and will get nails and a trim tomorrow.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Resting after an extended play time...
Bart is on the far right, pink puppy boy is in the middle and puppy puppy is on the far left. All three boys have further developed similar personalities in defending themselves against my 11 week old Westie girl Kelsey.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Naughty or Nice?
If this isn't the best Christmas picture you will ever see... Naughty or Nice?
This is Louie, brother to my keeper Kelsey out of my girl Haley and Duffy owned by a client I have shown for in the past. Pretty nice looking boy. Louie is owned by a very loving couple here in Eastern Washington.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Emily's puppies at 5 1/2 weeks old.
Here are the pictures I have been asked for. The boys got there nails trimmed and hair trimmed away from there eyes tonight, for the most part they were pretty good about it.
Top single puppy is black Bart... I know I know, another Bart? Well I am hoping someone likes the name and keeps it. Bart is my show prospect at this time but anything could change. I have not named Bart's two brothers yet but as soon as I can easily tell them apart they will receive names.
I did have little Kelsey in with them and she was not too hard on them and they defended themselves well for there age. They pooped right out and are resting in there bed for the night.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Sara's new outerwear and letter to me...
My new pink raincoat …. perfect for the rainy Seattle weather.
Hanging out on my favorite sofa in my fleece coat.
Hello Chris ….
How are things going along in Pasco? All is well here … in my new forever home. My Mom and Dad went on a trip to be lighthouse keepers in Sequim week before last. Dogs …. even cute ones like me are not allowed on the spit …. so I spent the week at Paradise Pet Lodge. Not bad! I had my own suite with a heated tile floor and a private yard to hang out in. My report card from my stay was fantastic. Everyone thought that I was so cute, lovable and sweet. They did tell my Mom though that I did try and eat my bed ….. big deal.
Now that I live near the big city of Seattle I have become more interested in fashion. I wanted you to see two of my new clothing items. My Mom also bought a beautiful sweater for me to wear when the weather gets really cold … or when we go to visit Leavenworth. I will send a pic of me in that later.
My new vet … Dr. Evergreen .. said that it might be good for me to chew on antler to keep the tarter off from my teeth. However … I am not a fan of it. So my Mom tried out some dried, organic beef tendon (not from China) and I just love to chew, chew, chew!!
Mom reads your blog and knows that you are busy checking out new puppies for the show dog thing. Please remember … I was right up there with the best.
Thanksgiving is almost here and I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you Chris for finding me the BEST EVER ……. forever home.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and the doggies in Pasco.
Sweet Sara
Sunday, November 24, 2013
The boys have there first visitors..
Emily's boy's had there first visitors yesterday and they did not come empty handed. There were two puppy shaped cookies for me and a beautiful hand made puppy blanket which I did not get into these pictures then this puppy toy which makes a crinkling sound when played with. Later in the evening they had the toy pulled up into there bed, so cute. Emily had to make her guest appearance as well.
Thank you Karin and Soleil!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Future of White Diamond Terriers?
Though it took a little distraction to get these pictures may I present Kelsey. Kelsey is out of Ch. Lanarkstone's McDuff Duffy and Lymehills White Diamond Haley. Not bad for 9 weeks old! Now we wait and watch...
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Nicki gets some of the good life....
I have been training a local woman to strip Terriers for some time now as she would ultimately like to have a Westie from me to show. Kat does a great job and has the patients of God... She was going to a dog show this weekend and volunteered to take Nicki with her to get her CHIC testing which our National club recommends before breeding and its a very good idea for the betterment of the breed. I I have chosen a very nice stud dog out on the east coast for her and want everything to be right when the time comes.
As you can see Nicki is enjoying the hotel room bed and probably watching TV as well. Thanks for sending the picture Kat. Best of luck at the show this weekend.
Louie goes home....
Look at that handsome little man... Haley and Duffy's puppies are 8 weeks old now and Louie was ready to go to his new forever home, Kelsey will be staying with me for now. The Lemke's are a very nice couple and have been patient for quite some time. Though parting with my kids can be very difficult. Its owners like the Lemke's that make placement a little easier as it was obvious Lisa had found an additional love of her life.... 

Big boy pen.....
OK... I understand I need to trim Emily's head hair up a little....
The boys were starting to climb out of the whelping box once there eyes opened so it was time to go to the "big boy" pen. As you can see Emily was not too pleased I was taking a picture of her boys. She is a wonderfully protective mother!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Mommy????? We are HUNGRY!!!
Thanks Mom... your the best! The boys will be 3 weeks old Saturday. As you can see they are up and around with eyes open.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
Sara get's a trim...
Dear Chris …. How do you like my new cut? Guess I've lost my show dog look … sorry. On Tuesday, I went to the groomer and got freshened up. I had my ears cleaned and flushed and they are feeling great. I have house training pretty much down now … no accidents for days! Doug takes me for a long walk every morning and Jennie takes me to the park for a walk every afternoon after my now early dinner. I go with Jennie to do errands and find riding in the car relaxing and interesting. I sleep in my crate in the master bedroom …. going to bed around 10 and getting up when Doug gets up around 8. I am a good quiet Westie. I love to play with my new toys … but on occasion I have picked up a clothing item … like a sock or slipper and thought it was a toy …. all those things look kind of alike. Hope all is well for you in Pasco. Like I said the other day …. NO sun here. It has been foggy and cloudy every day since my arrival. We are suppose to get sun on Sunday …. that would be nice. Love and smiles to you …. Sweet Sara
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Bart and Kelsey's first taste...
I believe Bart is on the left and Kelsey on the right. Bart quickly caught up in size while I was away on vacation and so did there activity level. They are 5 weeks old now and starting to growl and whine like all little puppies do, its very cute. Obvioulsy they had not problems digging into there water soaked food. I hear them wrestling around in there puppy pen but soom anticipate an all quite nap time after there big meal.
My #1 Westie retires to her forever home...
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Bart and Kelsey get some lap time...
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