Hello everyone... It was a very emotional 4
th of July weekend for me, but I have to say it was one of th
e best times in my life as well. The hospitality afford to me by the
Ayer family in
Marblehead Massachusetts was second to none...
Pat who is pictured in the blue top and her husband were out to pick up there new puppy Gracie who was Madison last puppy about 4 months ago. We had a wonderful visit and dinner with great conversation and ended the trip by being asked if I would like to come out some time. After a little time sent by I decided it would be an excellent opportunity to see Pat and Gracie so I accepted July 4th week. Little did I know how wonderful of a trip it would turn out to be... In the following weeks of my decision Pat asked if my retired champion Madison would like to come out and live with her daughter Patty and there family. I though it was a match made in heaven and accepted.
Once Madison and I arrived we were picked up at the airport in Boston and headed for the Ayers home. When we arrived it was larger than life, on about an acre with a beautifully landscaped yard and pool. I was given the carriage house to stay in as for this holiday there were other family members coming for the weekend festivities, it was perfect! I was able to meet every member of the family at a huge party hosted at the Ayer home, we had a wonderful Lobster dinner and BBQ to celebrate the 4th of July. During the day I tried to be as helpful as possible as there were so many people and so much going on. I befriended Michael(pictured below), who is Patty's husband and now has Madison's owners and was able to help him launch the boat so we could all go out and see the fireworks in the harbor later that evening, the event was spectacular! so much tradition in the town it was incredible...
The next day it just so happened the Seattle mariners were in Fennway Park playing the Red Sox. One of Pat's daughters is a VP for Coke so after a little begging I was asked if I would like to join them for the game! I was very happy to say YES as it was going to be my first pro baseball game and were better to see it than FENNWAY PARK!!! Though the mariner lost this game they still won 2 of the 3 game series AND I was able to catch a baseball thrown out to the crowd by the 1st baseman. I have attached a few pictures I took and had taken from my seating area behind the home teams dugout. We had fantastic seats!
The last evening I spend on Boston harbor walking the downtown area before it was time to return home the next day..
I want to thank each and every member of the family for for the hospitality and kindness. If your wondering about ever me making a return visit? You bet I will be!
Doesnt Madison look happy in the chair...