Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cassie goes to School...

Dear Uncle Chris –
School Started Yesterday – and I already have homework. YIPPEE!!

As you know, Mom & Dad started my training very early – almost as soon as I first got to my new home. I liked the clicker, LOVED the treats, and quickly picked up on SIT, DOWN, COME, FETCH and HEEL. STAY and WAIT are still a little challenging because I am just a puppy after all. I can only wait just sooooo long. Unfortunately, I also wanted to focus on the treat bag instead of on my lessons. HEEL particularly became a problem. I was getting out in front and looking at the bag instead of paying attention and looking at Mom & Dad. Oh well…. That quickly came to an end last night when our trainer Gary came for my first private lesson. (Group lessons still have to wait until at least summer school.)

Gary critiqued what Mom & Dad were doing with me, praised them for what they were doing right, and taught them some new tricks for getting better results from me. Gee…. I guess they’re in school too!! We now have some great additions to our daily training routines and I’ve been able to practice outside in the beautiful spring weather.

I guess that at 7 ½ pounds I need to start acting more like a little lady. I’ll save that for on-leash right now BUT I still really look forward to my off-leash romps and runs. WHAT JOY!!

Sending hugs up to you, Cassie

Bill & Debbie (and Cassie, too!)
RV Having Fun Yet?

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