Monday, April 27, 2009

Cassie get her own Blog!

Good Morning, Chris - Please know that we still continue to send you emails and updates as ourlittle Cassie grows BUT you really did inspire us with your White Diamondblog.Cassie now has her own blog that will contain quite a few more pics andstories than we could possibly ask you to post. There will be more friendsand family members for our personal audience and hasn't been included on theBlogSpot search engines. But, we thought you might enjoy some of theditzier pics and stories. We've even added a Travel Blog to our profilethat will cover us when we travel this summer (and beyond). and We're off to the vet now for Cassie's 3rd set of puppy shots. Can't wait tosee how much she weighs now! Sending hugs your way! DebbieBill & Debbie Whittaker (and Cassie, too!)RV Having Fun Yet?

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