Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lexi the and the Easter Bunny!

Hi Chris,
Finally getting an Easter pictures of the girls and Lexi off to you! We got up early to search for treasures from the Easter Bunny, and unfortunately my picture taking ability at 7:30am is not the best!! This was a great shot of Lexi at least, with her girls in their PJ's and bed heads!!! The second pic is of Lexi and Tess the other day in the back yard, they were chasing bubbles and having an absolute blast!! I wish I could have taken some action shots, but I would have needed another set of hands. I will try again when I have a bubble blower!! Lexi is doing great and enjoying HER Rockets charge to the Memorial Cup. The Rockets won in Vancouver last night and lead the series 3 games to 2. The next game is Monday night in Kelowna. I can keep you posted should you feel the need to keep up with our Canadian sport!!! Lexi had her trip to the Vet to be fixed on Tuesday and is not real happy with us!!! She did very well and made a great impression on the Vet staff, they loved her!!! She is enjoying the extra cuddles and well deserved lounges. Tess has been extra gentle with her and loves to lay on the floor and feed her by hand. Hope you weekend is going well, love the updates on the blog!!! Thanks again for our furry family member, we are smitten!!
Sincerely, Corrine and the Peacock Clan!

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