Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wonder why I need new slippers annually?

It seems ALL Terriers love slippers and I have had to "pretty much" sacrifice a pair of slippers annually to one puppy who decides they cannot live without them.

Here is the M.O. .. (my girl Sara, pictured here) They start very young by biting toes and then move to socks as they get a little bit older. After they have become about 5 weeks old they are looking to teeth on something and I have started to protect my feet as the teeth are razor sharp by wearing slippers. Naturally when the laces become untied they feel the cat like reflexes to chace and chew on the leather laces.. At a point they get bored and start in on the slipper... There you go, a sacrificial slipper which usually goes home with a puppy when there new owners arrive to take them home... As you can imagine I don't purchase the high dollar slippers any longer and expect to go through atleast a pair a year.

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